A Charming Project

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DIY Yarn Wall Hanging and My Inspirational Day at WeWork

So it's a little known secret that I get to work from home. I know! I'm crazy lucky that way! However, working in pajamas is only cool for like...a week, and then it's all downhill from there! Lack of productivity and creativity inevitably kicks in, people skills fall by the wayside; don't even get me started on talking to inanimate objects…(@_@)! All No bueno for a blogger! So in order to stay inspired I make it a point to visit new places, and work in environments that motivate me to keep doing what I love! 

When I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, about 8 months ago, I did a lot of research on the benefits of shared work spaces. I'm a hop skip and a jump away from the Silicon Valley, and I can tell you I've never seen people hustle to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true quite like the people here. Oh, and good luck finding a seat at a coffee shop, that's HQ for techies! So when WeWork contacted me about sharing my own creative space (blog post coming next week!) I jumped at the opportunity to visit their space and see what working in a community space would feel like. Their mission:  TO CREATE A WORLD WHERE PEOPLE WORK TO MAKE A LIFE, NOT JUST A LIVING. Ummm…yes please! To tell you the truth, I was blown away by this space, and will definitely be going back.

WeWork has co-working locations in many major cities across the country, but I decided to visit one of their San Francisco locations, called Transbay (even sounds cool).

Just a few of the benefits include: High Speed Internet (I take this very seriously), All the fresh coffee and fixings you want, (I had 4 cups, no shame!) Spa Water, (clearly infused with something that makes you want more…I never even drink this much water at home), Unique interiors (cool wallpaper, modern furniture, and tons of DIY inspiration for me)! Oh and did I mention that there is always beer on tap?! I heard they also have weekly events where everyone can mingle and be merry!

I'm in love with this wallpaper, obsessed with the island tile, and I really want one of these colorful industrial chairs!

Plenty of seats to chose from! It was a like a dream! 

This leads me to my inspiration for this week. WeWork had this amazing color dipped wall hanging made out of natural yarn, and it inspired me to a make a mini version for my home office. 

Although, I can't wait to try color dipping yarn, I went with a more accessible approach  and added a little 80's glam to it...because really, why not?!

You'll need the following:

I cut strips of yarn about 15"inches long ad looped them around the metal ring

I used about 20 strands of each color

Next, I looped one strand of each color over the top, and tucked the remaining strands into the bottom loops.

Finally,I  added a little sparkle! I looped  2 strands of sequence over the yarn.

A huge thank you to WeWork for allowing me to visit their inspiring space!

If you're someone looking to start a business, have your own small business, or work from home and want to experience what it's like working at WeWork take a peak at their Commons Membership info!

If you sign up now, apply promo code START25 for 25% off! 

Have a great weekend!



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